Sometime happens that I needed to make a database export (either partially or ‘FULL’) not having enough disk free space available for all the operations. The export file by itself could barely fit into the few free disk space available so that I could not even think to compress it, because almost at the end of compression (gzip) the scenario would have been: export_file.dmp
added to the almost 99.9% of the compressed export_file.dmp
would exceed the free disk space available.
The following examples show how to do an export into a compressed file (gzip) in one single step to avoid wasting disk space.
momo@ora10g:~ $ mkfifo fifo_dbexport_20081119.dmp momo@ora10g:~ $ momo@ora10g:~ $ nohup gzip \ < fifo_dbexport_20081119.dmp \ > real_db_export_20081119.dmp.gz & momo@ora10g:~ $ momo@ora10g:~ $ nohup exp \ scott/tiger \ tables=(TABLE_1, TABLE_2, TABLE_3) \ FILE=fifo_dbexport_20081119.dmp \ LOG=dbexport_20081119.log & momo@ora10g:~ $ momo@ora10g:~ $ rm fifo_dbexport_20081119.dmp
The following examples show how to do an export into a compressed file (gzip) in one single step to avoid wasting disk space.
momo@ora10g:~ $ mkfifo fifo_dbimport_20081119.dmp momo@ora10g:~ $ nohup gzip -d \ < real_db_export_20081119.dmp.gz \ > fifo_dbimport_20081119.dmp & momo@ora10g:~ $ nohup imp \ scott/tiger \ tables=(TABLE_1, TABLE_2, TABLE_3) \ IGNORE=Y \ FILE=fifo_dbimport_20081119.dmp \ LOG=dbimport_20081119.log & momo@ora10g:~ $ rm fifo_dbimport_20081119.dmp
I hope this was useful
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